We love being wedding photographer and videographers in Cornwall. Almost every weekend, for 4 months of the year, I get to travel to incredible locations and take photographs of people on the happiest day of their life.

One of our favourite locations in Cornwall (and a place we are lucky enough to visit at least 3-4 times every year) is Nancarrow Farm! We are privileged to be a recommended supplier.

100% exclusive, !00% of the time. On site accommodation, all self-contained with dedicated buildings for each part of the wedding day, absolutely stunning rustic aesthetic, and THE BEST FOOD IN ALL OF WEDDING LAND!!!

We have countless examples of Cornwall Nancarrow wedding images and film, but the portfolio her includes Josie and Sam, and Steph and Lukas – both amazing wedding days, both with perfect weather and a beautiful sunset.

Nancarrow is one of Cornwall’s most popular and exclusive venues – and with very good reason. A beautiful ceremony area (LOVE the barn), a range of locations for reception drinks and group photos, stunning areas for couples photos (and different enough to suit the style for any couple), stunning golden sunsets, and always an absolute killer party!

We’ve pulled together a selection of wedding photos from this very special Cornish wedding venue.